Text: Unspecified Romance


Found in:


Author Unknown

Translator Unknown


  • Romance

Ownership Details

NE 241 owned by Charles d'Orleans (1408-1465?). Ownership Confirmed with Inventory as evidence.

NE 241 owned by Valentina Visconti, duchess of Orleans (1389?-1408). Ownership Confirmed with Inventory as evidence.

NE 504 owned by Jean V de Bertrand, Bishop of Geneva (?-c. 1414). Ownership Confirmed with Archival Mention as evidence.

NE 504 owned by Marie of Burgundy, duchess of Savoy (c. 1414-1422?). Ownership Confirmed with Archival Mention as evidence.

NE 517 owned by Bonne of Savoy, lady of Piedmont (?-1432). Ownership Confirmed with Inventory as evidence.

NE 719 owned by Margaret of Flanders, duchess of Burgundy (?-March 1405). Ownership Confirmed with Inventory as evidence.

NE 732 owned by Margaret of Flanders, duchess of Burgundy (?-March 1405). Ownership Confirmed with Inventory as evidence.

NE 733 owned by John the Fearless (March 1405-1419). Ownership Possible with Inventory as evidence.

NE 733 owned by Margaret of Flanders, duchess of Burgundy (?-March 1405). Ownership Confirmed with Inventory as evidence.

NE 734 owned by John the Fearless (March 1405-1419). Ownership Possible with Inventory as evidence.

NE 734 owned by Margaret of Flanders, duchess of Burgundy (?-March 1405). Ownership Confirmed with Inventory as evidence.

NE 748 owned by Margaret of Flanders, duchess of Burgundy (?-March 1405). Ownership Confirmed with Inventory as evidence. Ownership Possible with Instance of borrowing, inventory as evidence.

NE 793 owned by Joan of Penthièvre, duchess of Brittany (post-1324-10 September 1384). Ownership Confirmed with Inventory as evidence.

NE 793 owned by John I of Penthièvre (23 December 1393-1407?). Ownership Confirmed with Inventory as evidence.

NE 793 owned by Margaret of Rohan (d. 1406) (September 1384?-23 December 1393). Ownership Confirmed with Inventory as evidence. Ownership Confirmed with Instance of borrowing as evidence.

NE 793 owned by Olivier V de Clisson (September 1384?-23 December 1393). Ownership Confirmed with Inventory as evidence. Ownership Confirmed with Instance of borrowing as evidence.

NE 795 owned by Joan of Penthièvre, duchess of Brittany (post-1324-10 September 1384). Ownership Confirmed with Inventory as evidence.

NE 795 owned by John I of Penthièvre (23 December 1393-1407?). Ownership Confirmed with Inventory as evidence.

NE 795 owned by Margaret of Rohan (d. 1406) (September 1384?-23 December 1393). Ownership Confirmed with Inventory as evidence. Ownership Confirmed with Instance of borrowing as evidence.

NE 795 owned by Olivier V de Clisson (September 1384?-23 December 1393). Ownership Confirmed with Inventory as evidence. Ownership Confirmed with Instance of borrowing as evidence.

NE 1004 owned by Joan of Orléans, countess of Taillebourg (1467-1520?). Ownership Confirmed with Inventory as evidence. Ownership Confirmed with Instance of borrowing as evidence.

NE 1004 owned by John of Orleans, count of Angouleme (14??-1467). Ownership Confirmed with Inventory as evidence.
